A Muslim quarter, with its heaps of dry fruits

Our Canadian guide David took us through the tunnels, Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric and the history of the Western Wall — explaining the mammoth task that the Israel government has undertaken to excavate tunnels to the Temple Mount (what the faithful consider as the Holy of Holies). The architecture gives us a hint of the weaponry used in that period — narrow windows for bows and arrows.

Al Aqsa translates to “farthest mosque” and also refers to a chapter in the Quran — The Night Journey where Prophet Muhammad travelled from Mecca to “the farthest mosque,” and to Heaven. It reflects the sanctity of this holy city that has three monotheistic faiths — Christianity, Judaism and Islam. One can also spot different church orders spires and far off is a brush stroke of green in this arid desert where a spring used to be. There were cartloads of Jewish school girls and teenagers and we were taken aback by immense faith of these Judaism students. The old city is divided into four quarters which geographically represent different faiths, but in reality are more intertwined with Christians, Muslims and Jews living together in harmony. The Jewish quarter has shops, small galleries, ceramics, all winding cobbled streets into the market area which is a hub of souvenirs and T-shirts touting Israel’s military prowess.Strong inherent and deep belief, faith and irrevocable history resides in Jerusalem.

A Muslim quarter, with its heaps of dry fruits, olives and ceramic work. Wash your hands at a water fountain and walk towards its time honoured grooves. We see a few Jewish children flying their coloured balloons and running pell mell back home from school, smiling.”We started our journey though the Jaffa gate. A sheer gargantuan task indeed, as we mulled at its turmoil filled history, and in contrast, this peaceful walk of pilgrims to the holy land, that leaves one seeking refuge in faith. The State of Israel came into being in 1948, and this Jewish state today holds within it empires, legacies, faiths and sanctity. And the city itself is haloed in yellow at night, a wonderful sight, and walk. The Western Wall is 488 metres. Spend moments in silence, then without turning your back, walk away in prayer. And that’s what we’d like to take back with us, where children run smiling, and peace prevails… Toda Raba (thank you) Jerusalem. The tunnels, cooled by the welcome breeze of aircons, in we walked, past Warren Gate where a synagogue used to be, named after Charles Warren, who discovered it. Our guide Shelly Ishkoli also mentioned the Christmas tours that are very popular, the Catholic and Jewish traditional ones, when the weather is cold, not sweltering like it was in July, which turn this already haloed city into a twinkling sight of revelry and prayer, ringing in carols. Powerful is the sense of peace as one lowers towards the silver gilded disc, where the cross is believed to have stood…The city’s Christian and Muslim quarters are enmeshed in each other, and as you bag souvenirs from the Souk el-Dabbagha, a street selling religious souvenirs, you are once again humbled by the history that surrounds you.

Encounters of the faithful follow your thoughtful footsteps into the old city of Jerusalem, treading the ancient slopes towards the golden-hued walled city, where history and religion are indelibly etched into the fabric of its existence. There are indelible marks on many a wall in the Old city where the mezuzah used to be.

This wall by the Ottomans, who were Muslims, has flowers, Arabic letters, geometric shapes decorating it. But one must try — so we tread the cobbled streets of calvary, past the tunnels to the Western Wall, and it does live and breathe in faith.Passing which was the Main Street in Jerusalem, the Byzantine Cardo in the Jewish quarter, arts and crafts peek through old stones and tunnels. We also saw the popular three dimensional light and sound show in the evening. Every time someone conquered Jerusalem, they broke its walls, so it was built and rebuilt. The Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Tower of David, and ruins, are all a foray to understand this land ravaged again and again, that still stands resolute, a lesson in life itself. Which ever faith you belong to, the stark simplicity of its stoned walls, lack of opulence and earthy essence all emanate a sense of peace and quiet that settles in one’s heart. In ancient times, a mezuzah used to guard homes — A metal cylindrical box with the script from the Torah blessed in a ceremony, inside.We trudged to a vantage point to see the dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque, an important Muslim pilgrimage. A mere walk cannot unearth its history, or its allegiances. The throngs of faithful walk past, pray in silence, light candles, some leave small prayers on paper as they enter the inner sanctum sanctorium. There are eight gates each named after the city it leads to (ours led to Jaffa - Jaffa Tel Aviv today). With its 6,000 (some say 4,000) year-old history, Shelly Ishkoli, our storehouse of knowledge guide explained, “You think that the walls of Jerusalem go back thousands of years.

Ambling in the sweltering heat, we entered the sacred site of Catholic religion, the Church of Holy Sepulcher which lies inside a square with steps on either side where many sit in contemplation. The beige walls of the citadel morph into stories from the past, evoking images of its rich history. As we walked to the Tower of David, with its golden haloed ruins, we swooped through an exhibition of 4,000 years of Jerusalem at the Museum of History.We walked past a huge gold Minerva towards the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall — the limestone wall filled with signs of prayers and devout faith, a congregation of young and old praying and weeping, some with a Torah, others with prayerful notes. It is said to commemorate the hill of crucifixion and the tomb of Christ’s burial. One can see different eras of stone, engravings, lessons in time… as sunlight suddenly illuminates the dark alley, and we are out into the other side of the old city, where the stations of the Cross, which Christians revere keep us company. Not exactly. Dress conservatively

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : دو شنبه 2 فروردين 1400
زمان : 8:2
After two successive drought years

Mission tourism: India, that has almost everything to offer to a tourist, gets a paltry five to six million tourists, while countries like South Africa and Mexico get three to four times this figure and China receives six times more. Every penny must be accounted for. Both these sectors need much more funds and attention.Functioning Parliament: I hope that the New Year will see a Parliament that functions with decorum and gravitas.

In particular, one can only hope that our relations with our neighbours see a qualitative improvement, and that we are able to deal with Pakistan with greater anticipation and policy coherence. Unfortunately, while all governments pay lip service to our cultural heritage, all of them uniformly ignore the institutional investment required to sustain this great legacy, specially at the grassroots level. The quality of life of the poorest must improve dramatically.2016 is over. The Election Commission has recommended this. More needs to be done than to merely wait for the dividends of economic growth to trickle down to the poor. For this, the top priority must be electoral reform that severs the link between unaccounted money and politics, since this unholy link is the seed of all corruption in India. This must change, and can only do so if economic policies are so designed as to reach the poorest of the poor.

After two successive drought years, let the New Year focus on the well being of our farmers. We need to do away with anonymous donors. This lopsided spread of economic wellbeing must be rectified by policy interventions like the granting of special category status. The government and Parliament needs to act. No more throwing of missiles in the House, no more rushing to the well.Culture: India is one of the oldest civilisations of the world, with a culture that is marked by peaks of refinement and great diversity. The state of education, specially in government schools and colleges is unacceptably poor.

Happy New Year!. The need of the hour must be a special mission to enhance agricultural productivity through investments in better seeds, inputs, irrigation, cold storage, transportation and transportation. Will 2017 see this happen?Democracies survive because they have the institutional mechanism to nurture hope. 2017 should be the year when we realise that all of India must be given the opportunity to develop.

The government has a declared aim to create 100 million jobs in the manufacturing sector by the year 2022 but little of this has translated to the ground for the absence of a planning and policy focus. Can we in 2017 get our act together on this pivotal economic goal?Poverty reduction: It is an assault on our credentials as a successful democracy that India still has the largest number of the abjectly poor in the world. Party funds and financial transactions, must be audited, put up on a public website and brought under the RTI Act. It has been estimated that for every one per cent increase in agricultural output, overall GDP grows by two per cent.Mission health and education: Notwithstanding the fact that India produces some of the finest doctors, our medical infrastructure outside the handful of super specialty hospitals in a few chosen metropolises is woefully poor.Mission manufacturing: A quantum growth in the labour-intensive manufacturing sector is the best means of providing employment to the unemployed and under-employed workforce in agriculture. 2017 has begun. Should we look at the past or cast an eye on the future? Each one of us nurtures the hope that the future will bring to fruition what the past could not deliver. Even with such low tourist footfalls, our tourism industry contributes about eight per cent to our GDP White dyed fox fur faux fur fabric and is a major employment generator. No more debasing cacophony. Let us hope then that the New Year will see some of the things in the wishlist above begin to happen.

The time has come to end the institutional neglect of this sector and to begin in 2017 a concerted drive to double the number of tourists coming to India in the next three years. Hazaaron khwaishein aisi ki har khwaish pe dam nikle, as Ghalib would say: A thousand wishes such, that for each I’d give my life!Wishlists can be infinite, but I am — perhaps arbitrarily — compressing mine to 10:Electoral reform: India may be the world’s largest democracy, but 2017 must be the year when it becomes a more credible democracy.Mission agriculture: Agriculture employs 65 per cent of our workforce but contributes only 14 per cent to GDP with annual growth rates now hovering as low as one per cent. In Bihar, for instance, Nitish Kumar, as part of his seven-point resolve, has committed to providing potable water, electricity and roads to every village within a specified time frame.Foreign policy: It is time that our foreign policy becomes part of a carefully calibrated strategic framework and rescued from high publicity ad hocism. Here’s also hoping that we are able to persuade China to be a more understanding neighbour. Will 2017 see this policy change?Balanced regional development: Five relatively developed states in India receive the bulk of all public and private flow of funds, while many of the least developed states, such as Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha, are starved of investments. Let us hope that India in 2017 will guarantee a more civilised public space for dialogue and debate, shun hatred and exclusion, and allow our multi-cultural, plural and multi-religious social fabric to flourish. Culture in our country needs to be rescued from the stranglehold of soulless bureaucracy and provided the infrastructure to flourish

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 27 اسفند 1399
زمان : 7:2
This policy is quite empowering and applies

Also, equal opportunities have been shown through its supplier-employee policies, staff retention and provision of equal promotions. If the majority of these people are retained as shown from the statistics, then it demonstrates that Tesco disregards those irrelevant issues and provides equal opportunities to majority of its staff members Equal opportunities and diversity in Tesco’s Customer treatment policy Similarities in the two principles in the Company have been shown by the policy practiced by most of its employees. They have a policy that requires suppliers to adhere to the principle of providing equal opportunities to their workers. The Company did not decide to hire these needy persons because there was lack of a better alternative; it did this because it wanted to grant equal opportunities to people in that area-Clare Hall. By so doing, Tesco Ireland has shown that equal opportunities can be available to a diverse workforce thereby demonstrating that there are similarities in the latter two concepts. Overly, the Company has demonstrated similarity between equal opportunity and diversity. Similarities between equal opportunity and diversity have also been demonstrated by the Company by recruitment of people who have exceeded the official retiring age.

This policy is quite empowering and applies to all employees regardless of status, creed, race etc. The foundation claimed that these female workers were given appalling wages and that Tesco was encouraging this practice by buying from them. Tesco Ireland has no bias in this area because statistics have shown that majority of its staff are retained for long periods of time. This therefore demonstrates that the Company has very good policies in place but lacks proper implementation mechanisms. It has engaged with a number of suppliers from a wide range of countries from different parts the world. This is clearly demonstrated by the talks that the Company’s management holds with its employees called ‘Talent Spotting’. (Tesco Ireland, 2006) Differences between equality and opportunities in supplier-employee relationships were demonstrated when Charity Aid Foundation claimed that Tesco Ireland was getting supplies from a South African farm that treated its female employees badly.

Managers then use these discussions as a platform to decide on who goes where in case a vacancy comes up or when there is need for restructuring. The Company does not discriminate in this area and has therefore shown similarity in equal opportunities and diversity in this area of management.

It has placed a responsibility upon these members of staff to handle customers in their own way as long as it represents the same way which they would like to be treated too. However, differences have been demonstrated in these same areas.These included; ravellers People with disability Recovered drug addicts These groups of people were hired to work in a new supermarket that would be opened five years from that time. Tesco Ireland therefore gives promotions based on career progress and discussions made. The Company even has members of staff who are beyond the age of seventy. (Tesco Ireland, 2006) Equal opportunities and diversity in promotions Tesco Ireland has demonstrated that there are similarities between equal opportunities and diversity by following a strict criterion for promotion that disregards an individual’s background or other non work related issues. (Tesco Ireland, 2006) Equal opportunities and diversity in Staff retention The Company has shown similarities between the two concepts by Rabbit fur with white print faux fur fabric the rate of staff retention. This is a policy that makes the Company stand out from other retail stores and is applied in almost all Tesco stores in Ireland. In actual sense, there were very many other people in need of employment in that area as unemployment was at a record high of sixteen percent in Clare Hall. This means that they don’t restrict themselves to the purchase of items that are only bought and found in Ireland but demonstrate diversity in the choice of suppliers.. The Company calls all members of staff ‘Tesco Ambassadors’. In these meetings members of staff can talk about their careers and the directions which they feel it should take in the future. The Company realises that any employee has the need to attend to family issues or other personal engagements and this is regardless of their backgrounds.

Equal opportunities and diversity for Suppliers in Tesco Ireland Similarities between equal opportunities and diversity have been demonstrated by some of the suppliers that Tesco Ireland chooses to do business with in their stores. This was highlighted by the Polish worker’s strike in 2005, poor treatment of female workers by its South African suppliers. In so doing, the Company demonstrated that it did not consider equal opportunities for employees who work for their suppliers. This is a clear standard that excludes other factors which may be a source of bias. Equal opportunities and diversity in Flexible hours The Company has a provision for allowing any staff members to ask for flexible working hours. This is through its recruitment practices like hiring elder people, persons with disabilities and former prisoners. Annual reports for the Company demonstrate the following;

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : پنج شنبه 21 اسفند 1399
زمان : 5:35
So it’s best to use only the borders with another

”Talking about the colour combinations that work best with these dresses/lehengas/skirts, Shravan says, “Use neutral colours like off-white, black or beige. One can also make beautiful lehengas out of saris, which when teamed up with a plain blouse and sheer dupatta, will look regal,” he says. Designer Amit Aggarwal opines that one can create colourful capes, cropped jackets and breezy kimonos from old chiffon and georgette saris.

So it’s best to use only the borders with another cloth. An A-line dress or skirt made of a silk sari would look classy if paired with a black or white shirt.Adding that men can use old saris too, he says, “Printed silk sherwanis and safas (the turban tied in weddings) are back in vogue.”Many times, old saris start tearing apart, making it difficult to stitch them. “Sew them into modern silhouettes, like crop tops, skirts and palazzos and team them with staples that are contemporary,” explains celebrity designer Payal Khandwala. Old saris are generally bright and blingy, and these colours would help mute that effect.

At the same time, they won’t take away from their grandeur. It can be tied as a safa too and would give the groom a royal look. “Making a palazzo or skirt out of a sari will infuse the traditional textile with a little bit of modernity and make the ensemble seem less dated..Apart from heavy silks and cottons, many also own scores of georgette and chiffon saris. You can do the same with a dupatta,” she says, adding that one can also make jackets and kurtis out of old saris. A Benarasi Beige rabbit fur faux fur fabric or pattu can be made into a sherwani. “Dhotis are in trend now, and what they require gher. However, with Sankranti and the ongoing wedding season, you can revive and reuse these saris in many new and fashionable ways.Fashion designer Shravan opines that saris would make for great dhotis.Most of us have saris that are too old to be used, but too precious to be thrown away. The more the gher, the better. “You can make a dupatta, but even that might start tearing after some time.

You can alternatively use the pallu of these saris or the borders to make the blouse for another sari. Designer Gaurang Shah explains that the body of such saris shouldn’t be used to make anything.While using old saris as a dupatta is a known and used way of revamping, there are several other attires that can be made using the six-metre-long fabric. You can then pair these blouses with a sari that has less work,” he suggests

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : سه شنبه 5 اسفند 1399
زمان : 5:55
Though I usually prefer bright colours for the summer

The colour is also versatile enough to act as a proper substitute for blue or black jeans or even trousers. Though I usually prefer bright colours for the summer, I’d without a doubt pair an olive or grey paper-bag waist pant with a white crop top.This fastest emerging summer trend has trickled into daily streetwear and is not just the colour of monsoon anymore. I think it goes equally well on both light as well as darker shades,” she opines. Black, is more of a classic take on the look and isn’t too dramatic.

Though it is reminiscent of the ‘mom-era’, it’s all down to the actual colour now.The sales-clerk staple versatile fabric is not only meant for trenchcoats and blazers anymore. Khaki also adds a rocker/chic vibe if paired with sunnies and sneakers and a smoother vibe is paired with satin and high heels,” opines designer Pavithra Sagar, who is also a fan of the trend. From shades of greens, greys and browns, the look paves way for experimentation and fashionistas are in love!Though summer has always been associated with bright colours and florals, these subtle colours when paired with everything right, makes for the perfect breezy look! “I absolutely love that this trend is coming back and am a big fan of these shades.There is something about a crisp pair of khaki slacks or a knee length shirt-dress, that feels fresh at this time of the year.

While the khaki shade might not be the new black just yet, it’s heading Beige Indian Leopard Print Faux Fur Fabrics there this season as more designers are opting to showcase the military inspired shades on runways. “Khaki is a must have in everybody’s wardrobe. Pair that with a funky bandana to liven up the spirit of the season, and you’re good to go!” says designer Parinitha MN.. Summer is meant for experimenting with different colours and prints and there is no way that one can go wrong with khaki.

“I think a khaki dress sported with ankle length boots and a choker will do the deed well,” says stylist Aswathi Balakrishnan who is a fan of the olive-green hue. “Pairing two different shades in the same colour can look like you’re trying too hard, unless it’s with camouflage. “The whole idea of khaki is that it is uncomplicated and can easily be dressed up or down. Then everything works,” she quips. While the look sounds absolutely impressive, the designer warns that it is possible to go wrong with the shades. While white and khaki give off a very luxe vibe, browns paired with khaki are a hit on the streets

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : سه شنبه 14 بهمن 1399
زمان : 6:32
These vases never go out of style

If you think all these come at a huge cost, you have another thought coming. Keep it in the foyer or on a table and drop in keys, ornaments, rice lights or even a candle to bring in the warmth.Mirrors – Never underestimate the power of a strategically placed mirror to enhance the look of a space. Here are some décor change ideas that are ideal for every season.

These vases never go out of style. Just the right creative touch will add warmth, colour and elegance to your abode. The key is to keep your eyes open whenever you travel for those novel décor pieces, which might be tucked in some corner dusty shelf in a thrift shop.String lights – Invest in a pair of string lights that can be placed on table tops, corner shelves or in between book cases.

Designers are aware of the influence that rugs, curios, lighting, cushions, art, mirrors and other accessories can bring about in a space. Be it the bedroom floor, the living room or the dining area, mats and rugs can work wonders.Decorative pillows – Printed or plain, brocade or ikkat – a decorative pillow or two placed on a sofa makes the space look more welcoming, not to mention elegant. Introducing that smallest bit of green can improve the overall aesthetic vibe of a room. A unique decorative piece can work wonders attracting the eye and lending charm to the abode. The added advantage is that they can bring in more light to the room. They can be stored in them.

If you have kids, toys, books, etc.Bring in the green, indoors as well as outdoors – Houseplants help to relax you and remove toxins from the air. Indoor or outdoor, they instantly brighten spaces.Glass hurricane lamps – They come in a variety of colours.

A home often reflects the character of the people who inhabit it. If you have space for a garden, then plant away. Put in some freshly cut flowers or even faux spring branches and leaves and see the room come to life.Small rugs or mats – Have some bare floor space in your living room? Then you can add oodles of colour to your floor by just placing a brightly coloured mat to draw attention to that space. Introduce a pillar candle inside them and see how the mood of the room changes. It’s amazing how small and novel decorative items and accessories can make a huge impact in a room. Practical and beautiful, they can instantly transform an entry way, a bathroom, a hall way or a bedroom depending on their shape or size..A decorative bowl – A shallow bowl with white or neutral colour works out well.Wire basket – They come in artificial fur fabric manufacturers handy to store those quilts, cushions or blankets.A tall glass vase – The shape or colour does not matter

نویسنده : ctushearerers
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 24 دی 1399
زمان : 5:22

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